

Love to code although it bugs me.

19 Apr 2021

Reading appsettings.json without DI/IoC using .NET Core

Creating a console program to run a batch job or some other kind of recurrent task is nice. Even nicer is to be able to pass along some …
07 Apr 2021

Automation programs in .NET Core - more examples

Addition of some more examples to the collection of simple automation programs, using C#.
29 Mar 2021

Automatic class creation for unmarshalling JSON

If you're working with JSON, say for REST web services, and you don't have the class to unmarshall the response, Visual Studio can automatically generate the class for you.
22 Mar 2021

SQL Server alias is not supported on .NET Core

The support for SQL alias has been intentionally removed from .NET Core.
16 Mar 2021

Hugo post tag causing 404 Error

Using the '#' special character caused HTTP 404 Not Found error.