

Love to code although it bugs me.

07 Sep 2021

EF Core Update Model on Database First Project

Developing a project using .NET Core and Entity Framework, using an existing database, does not come with a Model update wizard. But still, it doesn't have to be a daunting task.
11 Jun 2021

Using Windows Subsystem for Linux for cross-platform testing

WSL is a wonderful feature to perform cross-plataform testing without having to install 3rd party virtualization software or containers.
14 May 2021

Generating PDF in .NET Core using Libreoffice

Looking for Nuget extensions to generate PDF output? Here's an interesting option that uses templates in DOCX/HTML and performs the conversion.
05 May 2021

Contract First Web Service Development in .NET

Working on information systems integration, often comes the task of implementing a Web Service following a previously defined contract.
19 Apr 2021

Reading appsettings.json without DI/IoC using .NET Core

Creating a console program to run a batch job or some other kind of recurrent task is nice. Even nicer is to be able to pass along some …